About us
Crafting digital servicesfor DeafOur platform is specially tailored to provide high-quality Video Remote Interpreting (VRI), Video Relay Service (VRS) and Text Relay and is the power behind SRVCanadaVRS.
A sense ofSign LanguageOur team provides support in American Sign Language, Quebec Sign Language, English and French
Hey, We are IVèS Canada
Customize, Deploy & Maintain VRS
We Provide Advice and Expertise
Multilingual Customer Service
A bit of History
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Creating Company
FCC compliance
SRV Canada VRS
Who we are
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We’re always looking for great, creative people to join our team, regardless of our current opportunities. Get in touch, and we’ll be happy to chat.
Building Video Relay Services
Our employees are the heart and soul of IVèS
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The Platform connects our users and lets our customers manage their business. From taking and queueing calls with video, audio and text, to generating statistics, and enabling videomail, we provide a full-service, turnkey solution. And we are continually improving and updating to stay ahead of performance curve.
We provide Apps and access on Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad and android. So whatever your device is, you will be able to make and receive calls.
Our Quality Assurance (QA) team makes sure that when an app or a new feature is released, it works! We use sophisticated automation test system and continuous integration process
Any question or feedback ? Contact SRVCanadaVRS customer service, and we will serve you in ASL, LSQ, English or French.
Couple of worlds our clients
What Our Customers Have to Say