Having learned a lot by working for customers all over the world: Botswana, Tunisia, Egypt, Germany, Congo, Madagascar, Kenya, … I
had the desire to create a company. IVèS was born from this shared willingness with my two partners!
The initial idea was to let technology serve people. After a few tests in 2006 we created a prototype of phone service for deaf and hard of hearing.
We naturally immediately thought of an international service. My family lives in Gatineau (QC) therefor offering this service also in Canada was natural.
Skills and Advantages
Business management 80%
Sales process 75%
Telecom 90%
Summary Skills
- Understanding of human resources and personnel management
- Proven negotiation skills
- Ability to understand new issues quickly and make decisions
- Knowledge of company finance and budgeting
- Ability to work under pressure
- Ability to build consensus